Promoted Profiles is a pay-per-click marketing tool that allows you to bid for better profile placement in Browse. Boosting your profile can increase your opportunities to reach new phrends!
With Promoted Profiles, your profile will move to the highest possible spot within your age range in the Phrendly Formula sort. This placement is based on a combination of your Maximum Bid amount and your Profile Score. Once you set a bid, you’ll pay for every Qualified Click made by qualified phrends (e.g., phrends who have a valid credit or debit card on file). You’ll pay the lowest possible amount for each Qualified Click and never more than your Maximum Bid. Don't worry, if you still have questions about what this all means, we break it down in the specific sections linked below.
And since promoting your profile is an investment, it's important to fully understand what you’re investing and how it can turn into income! Read on to explore the ins-and-outs of Promoted Profiles. Use the links below to skip ahead to a specific section.
Profile Eligibility
Promote Your Profile: A Step-by-Step Guide
“How much do I pay?”
Profile Score
Profile Eligibility
At this time, only approved and public “woman seeking men” profiles can be promoted.
Promote Your Profile: A Step-by-Step Guide
Go to Settings > Promote > My Campaign to get started.
1) Place Your Bid: Enter your Maximum Bid amount. This is the highest amount that you're willing to pay for each Qualified Click on your profile. Use the Leaderboard table to help you determine how much to bid for the position you want. When selecting the Browse position you’d like to bid on, pick a spot that will generate the greatest return for you. You don't want to spend more money promoting your profile than you earn!
2) Set Your Daily Budget: Enter the total amount you're willing to spend on this campaign today. The lowest amount you can enter for your budget is your Maximum Bid amount, or $1.00, whichever is greater. For example, if your bid is $0.85, then your budget must be at least $1.00.
You’ll never spend more than your budget in a given day. We consider a day to begin at midnight (UTC) and end at 11:59 p.m. (UTC). When you meet your budget, we’ll pause your campaign until the next day or until you increase your budget.
If you no longer have enough funds in your account to cover the next Qualified Click, we’ll pause your campaign until the next day. Note: If you have an active campaign, we will keep the amount of your Daily Budget in your account even after you are paid out. Learn more here.
3) Start Your Campaign: Review your Maximum Bid, budget amount, and your profile’s position. If you’re satisfied, click “Start Campaign” to place your bid.
It may take up to 30 seconds for your profile’s position to update on Phrendly. Your profile's placement can change if you get outbid by other Promoted Profiles and/or as you meet your budget.
While your campaign is running, we’ll maximize your budget. This way you get the best possible placement, even as you approach your budgeted amount throughout the day. For example, if your Maximum Bid is $.50 but you only have $0.40 left in your daily budget, we'll bid the $0.40 and move you to the corresponding spot. And if you only have $0.30 left after that, your profile will then be placed in the appropriate spot for a $0.30 bid. We'll automatically adjust your placement like this until you have reached your daily budget in order to promote your profile for as long as possible.
4) Update Campaign: Make changes to your Maximum Bid or budget by going to Settings > Promote > My Campaign. Select the new amounts, and click the Save button!
5) Stop Your Campaign: Click "Stop Campaign" if you no longer want to promote your profile.
You can review a history of your campaigns, bids, and budgets by going to Settings > Promote > Bids.
When your Promoted Profile receives a Qualified Click, you’ll pay the lowest possible amount for that click: only $0.01 more than the cost to place your profile one spot below yours at the time of the click. Your Maximum Bid is the highest amount you’re willing to pay and is the most you would ever be charged for a qualified click. The amount you actually pay depends on how much it would have cost to place your profile one spot lower than the one it’s in, when the click takes place. For example:
You've set your Maximum Bid to $0.70, which puts your profile in Position 5. To be in Position 6, however, it would have only cost a bid of $0.35. Therefore, you’ll only be charged $0.36 for any Qualified Clicks!
Now, let’s say the bid and availability of other profiles change, and these changes move your profile up to Position 2. The cost to be in Position 3 is now $0.69, so you’ll pay $0.70 (just $0.01 more than the next lowest position) for Qualified Clicks.
You’ll never pay more than your Maximum Bid for a single click, and you’ll never spend more than your budget in a single day (midnight to 11:59 p.m. (UTC)).
We track and report all clicks, both Qualified (charged) and Unqualified (non-charged), on your Promoted Profile. A click is recorded when a phrend clicks on your profile in the Phrendly Formula sort (which is the default setting) on and in the Phrendly app.
A click is qualified when:
- A phrend who has a valid credit/debit card on file clicks or taps on your profile in the Phrendly Formula sort.
- A phrend who has a valid credit/debit card on file stars your profile and then views it within 24 hours.
A click is unqualified when:
- A phrend who does not have a valid credit/debit card on file clicks on your profile.
- A phrend clicks on your profile but has already made a Qualified Click in the past 24 hours.
- A phrend clicks on your profile but has had paid transactions with you within the last 14 days.
- A phrend clicks on your profile in a sort option other than Phrendly Formula.
- A phrend clicks on your profile from a search page.
- A phrend clicks on your profile after having already made 50 qualified clicks on Phrendly in the last 24 hours.
- A Phrendly employee clicks on your profile.
- Someone clicks on your Tell-a-Friend link.
Your Promoted Profile rank is determined by your bid and your Profile Score. Profile Scores are unique for each profile and made up of several components. The components measure how well your profile performs against others in your age range. Essentially, we apply a score to your profile to measure its value within the Phrendly Formula sort and show you how the components of your profile compare to that of other profiles. The higher your Profile Score, the lower your bid amount will be to rank in a top position!
How do we score the value of a profile? By measuring certain aspects of a profile's performance. We measure how many people click on your profile, how quickly you respond to brand new chats, how much you earn in regards to how often your profile is viewed, and how many "lookers" have converted into phrends who spend money with you.
These are the combination of factors that best represent a reasonable measure of profile quality and performance:
Clicks: When someone sees your profile, how often do they click (or tap) on it? The Click component measures how often people click on your profile as compared to other Promoted Profiles.
Responsiveness: When a new phrend starts a chat, how quickly do you respond? The Responsiveness component measures the rate at which you respond to new chats as compared to other Promoted Profiles.
Earnings: If you divided all of your earnings by every view your profile has ever received, how much would you have earned per view? This is how your the Earnings component is calculated. The percentile is how your earnings rank against all other Promoted Profiles.
Conversions: When someone clicks on your profile, how many of them ultimately spend money with you? This is a conversion. Your conversion percentile measures how many Qualified Clicks (regardless of when the click took place) turned into paid transactions this month as compared to other Promote Profiles.
Profile Score is not fixed and may change regularly based on recent results. A particular user’s Profile Score is also a relative measure. That means changes to other users’ Profile Scores may affect your rank. Profile Scores are updated daily. Go to Settings > Promote > Score Breakdown to review your Profile Score percentile (which is where your Profile Score ranks relative to other users’).
Remember, even if you don’t have an active campaign, your profile has a Score and will appear in the Phrendly Formula sort among those who are bidding competitively.
Review your Promoted Profile's performance in the Overview tab. We'll show you all of the clicks you've received, how much you've spent to promote your profile, how much you've earned from promoting your profile, and the return on your investment.
Clicks:This chart shows you the Unqualified (non-charged) Clicks and Qualified (charged) Clicks that you’ve received during the selected month.
Cost: This chart shows you how much you’ve spent promoting your profile during the selected month.
Revenue: This chart shows you how much you’ve earned from promoting your profile during the selected month.
ROI: This chart shows you your overall Return on Investment as a result of promoting your profile during the selected month. Return on Investment is the amount you’ve earned after adjusting for the amount you’ve spent to run your campaigns: revenue minus cost.
Budget: The total amount you’re willing to pay each day in order to promote your profile
Campaign: Each bid and budget combination that is used to promote your profile
Click: When another user clicks or taps on your profile in the Phrendly Formula sort
Conversion: When a user clicks or taps on your profile and then proceeds to spend money with you
Cost: The amount you have spent to promote your profile
Maximum Bid: The price you’re willing to pay for Qualified Clicks on your Promoted Profile
Profile: Your personal entry on Phrendly
Qualified Click: A click that you have to pay for (see details in Clicks)
Revenue: The amount you have earned from promoting your profile
Return on Investment (ROI): The amount you have earned minus the amount you have spent on your campaign (revenue minus cost).
Unqualified Click: A click that you do not have to pay for (see details in Clicks)